Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Maiden Blog

Well, here goes....
This is my first post. My entrance onto the scene publishing my inner thoughts for the world to see on the World Wide Web. So far haven't had any thougths that could warrant being put into words, but I'll get there. Lastly, in my most insignificant maiden post I would like to give a shoutout to Hibby and her Hubby. Love you!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!
Fabulous first post, Lovey!! Check back for a shout out from me to you soon! :)

The Armchair Theologian said...

Hey! The Hubby Part! That's me!

Shout out player! Shout out with a capital S, H, and even O! SHOut out! w00t!

The Armchair Geek said...

Armchair Theologian, you are such an idiot.

She meant ME! AWE YEAH!

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